Вчерашний вечер принёс мне долгожданные минуты радости. Я была приглашена, одной молодёжной парой, на свадьбу. Да, да на настоящую американскую, красивую свадьбу. Я не знаю почему, но в моей долгой жизни, я была всего лишь два раза на свадьбе, и со вчерашним вечером-будет три.
За последние дни, я так наплакалась, из-за личных неприятностей, что я даже не могла принимать пищу, депрессия украла жизненную радость и мир был чёрен. Поэтому неожиданное приглашение на свадьбу, был для меня, как с неба посланный подарок. Я купила подарок, нарядилась, если так можно выразиться, помогла маме жениха с приготовлением зелёного салата, и мы поехали на свадьбу.
Мы приехали немножко рано, и мне представилась минутка рассмотреть детали мелкие детали украшений свадебных столов и венчальной арки. Для меня всё было в новинку, как например то, что сама роспись может происходить в любом выбранном молодоженами месте, начиная от волшебного побережья моря, заканчивая экстремальными подводными бракосочетаниями. Местный представитель официальной регистрации, за скромную сумму денег, расписывает молодоженов в любом месте. Всё было украшено красивыми композициями цветов и громадными белыми шарами.
Почему-то вчера, я совсем прозевала, что моя камера была плохо настроена, эту растерянность я приписываю последним печальным дням моей жизни, и я умудрилась загубить все фотографии. Так что выбор фотографий для сегодняшней заметки,- очень скуден. Я надеюсь, что профессиональный фотограф, справился со своей работой намного лучше.
По американским стандартам, свадьба была маленькая, всего лишь 30 человек. Церемония и празднование происходило в доме молодых, которые к тому же, только что открыли свою компанию. Эта молодая пара обожает всяких зверюшек, и их дом как маленький зоопарк. Посреди зала расположен громадный аквариум, из какой-то комнаты разносилось щебетание птичек, две собаки, как угорелые носились по дому, а кошки, перепуганные большим количеством людей, прятались по всем возможным местам.
Согласно американской традиции, папа невесты, должен вести дочку к брачному алтарю и молодожёны зачитывают личное любовное признание во время церемонии. Всё было очень трогательно и сказочно, я расчувствовалась, и слёзы катились по моим щекам от душещипательных и волшебных слов любви. Невеста имела красные туфли, а жених тёмно-голубую рубашку, что опять-таки, отражает традицию присутствия в одежде самого любимого цвета жениха и невесты.
Атмосфера была радостной и свободной. Жаркий, знойный искушающий сладкий воздух Флориды наполнял мои лёгкие и обдувал моё тело. Гости танцевали под ритмы южно американской музыки, периодически ища убежище от жары, в прохладном интерьере дома. Несмотря на то, что церемония предусмотрительно началась около восьми вечера, температура воздуха, до сих пор, держалась около 30 и чрезвычайно влажных воздух Флориды покрывал потные тела тонким, липким слоем, который просто присасывал наши одежды. Мне просто хотелось прыгнуть, прямо в одежде, в бассейн, расположенный посреди двора.
Конечно же, как всякое пиршество, свадьба закончилась традиционным, красивейшим свадебным тортом. Невеста умудрилась размазать кусочек тортика на лице жениха, по законам старой традиции, и следующую же секунду, успокоила возмущенного мужа своими страстными поцелуями. Какая прекрасная пара! Мира и любви!
A cosmopolitan's short narratives.
“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.
June 27, 2010
June 25, 2010
Я страдаю неадекватно большим чувством переменности. Просто болезнь, какая то. Как только я приехала в штаты и зашла домой, мне всё показалось таким родным и чистым. Сегодня же, проснувшись утром, меня охватила паника, что я в какой-то тюрьме и сразу же громадное чувство одиночества и безразличия сковало моё тело.
June 20, 2010
Today’s hardball.
I nowadays there is a lot of talk about South Africa because of the World Cup. All newspapers are covering Africa’s subject as well. Today I read the article from “The Economist” and was shocked by following lines:
“The number of infected by HIV/AIDS is now put at around 6m, or 1 in 8 South Africans.
Condom use has already been boosted by government advertising campaign. The government is also planning a large-scale male-circumcision programme because studies have shown that circumcised men halve their chance of infection.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa caused fall of average life expectancy from over 60 years to below 50 in the past two decades.
Alcohol abuse is another big health problem. Directly or indirectly, alcohol is responsible for 30% of all hospital admissions.
Drugs and alcohol abuse are partly responsible for the carnage on South Africa’s roads, where the death rate is 33 per 100000 inhabitants – almost double the world average.”
“The number of infected by HIV/AIDS is now put at around 6m, or 1 in 8 South Africans.
Condom use has already been boosted by government advertising campaign. The government is also planning a large-scale male-circumcision programme because studies have shown that circumcised men halve their chance of infection.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa caused fall of average life expectancy from over 60 years to below 50 in the past two decades.
Alcohol abuse is another big health problem. Directly or indirectly, alcohol is responsible for 30% of all hospital admissions.
Drugs and alcohol abuse are partly responsible for the carnage on South Africa’s roads, where the death rate is 33 per 100000 inhabitants – almost double the world average.”
June 18, 2010
The sun and I.
Every time when I am Sweden I get the same question about why I don’t have any tan if as I am not living in sunny Florida. I always have a bunch of long explanations and my reasons for that, but the simple true is that my skin doesn’t take so well. It is unbearably hot here. I can’t even go outside because of the sun. I always have to use SPF 50 or 80 sunscreen, otherwise I get red and sunburned.
If you just look at this picture, you will understand why. I was just supposed to buy a cup of coffee and go back home. The whole walk took just 20 minutes.
If you just look at this picture, you will understand why. I was just supposed to buy a cup of coffee and go back home. The whole walk took just 20 minutes.
June 14, 2010
Образование в Америке -привилегия богатых
Образование в Америке это привилегия богатых. Это, конечно же, я знала и раньше, но я не подозревала до какой степени наживы и выгоды это распространено в Америке. Мне надо немножко описать систему образования в Швеции для моих читателей из России: в Швеции, в принципе, каждый, кто имеет желание учиться, может получить высшее образование. Для этого Швеция учредила центральный департамент для поддержки тех, кто поступает в университет. Кандидату предоставляется возможность, под маленькие проценты, занять скромную сумму денег, которую выплачивают каждый месяц в течение пяти лет. Конечно же, этого хватает только впритык на очень скромное существование, но опять-таки ты можешь выжить и учиться. После окончания университета и получения работы, тот, кто брал в заём, постепенно выплачивает сумму.
В Америке намного сложнее, потому что это не реально занять такое количество денег, что бы хватило покрыть неимоверно высокие университетские взносы. За каждые полгода учёбы студент должен заплатить 10 000 долларов, когда за тот же период учения, точно с таким же качеством обучения, шведский студент платит 50 долларов. Кроме того каждому человеку нужны деньги на проживание, питание, книги и квартиру. Я так прикинула, что мой Мастер в Америке обошелся бы мне в такую сумму, что это было бы не реально для меня. Вот тебе и есть хороший пример громадной разницы в системе образования Европы и Америки.
Это очень печально, когда талантливые люди, которые могли бы продвигать государство в светлое будущие, вынуждены отложить высшие образование, из-за неимоверно высоких взносов. Это совсем недальновидно и разрушительно для государства, ведет к разрушению интеллигенции и научных запасов государства.
«Бизнес Америки это бизнес», - знаменитая фраза характеризующая принцип жизни Америки. Делай бизнес на всех и на всём. Несправедливость, как бы её не пытались скрывать, по отношению к людям, которые родились бедными, - глубоко распространена во многих секторах Американского общества.
Из моего короткого опыта проживания этой стране, я опять-таки хочу привести пример несправедливой системы образования, с которым я столкнулась здесь. Переехавши во Флориду, я решила записаться в местный колледж на курсы английского. Первое, с чем меня ознакомила администрация колледжа, так это с системой «засчитанных» и «не засчитанных» баллов. Приятная девушка в регистрации спокойно мне объяснила, что если я хочу что бы мои курсы были засчитаны как «настоящие» образование, с соответствующим количеством академических баллов, мне надо заплатить в 5 раз больше, чем, если бы я записалась на тот же самый курс, без права на академические баллы. Это же просто абсурд! Нажива на всём!
В Америке намного сложнее, потому что это не реально занять такое количество денег, что бы хватило покрыть неимоверно высокие университетские взносы. За каждые полгода учёбы студент должен заплатить 10 000 долларов, когда за тот же период учения, точно с таким же качеством обучения, шведский студент платит 50 долларов. Кроме того каждому человеку нужны деньги на проживание, питание, книги и квартиру. Я так прикинула, что мой Мастер в Америке обошелся бы мне в такую сумму, что это было бы не реально для меня. Вот тебе и есть хороший пример громадной разницы в системе образования Европы и Америки.
Это очень печально, когда талантливые люди, которые могли бы продвигать государство в светлое будущие, вынуждены отложить высшие образование, из-за неимоверно высоких взносов. Это совсем недальновидно и разрушительно для государства, ведет к разрушению интеллигенции и научных запасов государства.
«Бизнес Америки это бизнес», - знаменитая фраза характеризующая принцип жизни Америки. Делай бизнес на всех и на всём. Несправедливость, как бы её не пытались скрывать, по отношению к людям, которые родились бедными, - глубоко распространена во многих секторах Американского общества.
Из моего короткого опыта проживания этой стране, я опять-таки хочу привести пример несправедливой системы образования, с которым я столкнулась здесь. Переехавши во Флориду, я решила записаться в местный колледж на курсы английского. Первое, с чем меня ознакомила администрация колледжа, так это с системой «засчитанных» и «не засчитанных» баллов. Приятная девушка в регистрации спокойно мне объяснила, что если я хочу что бы мои курсы были засчитаны как «настоящие» образование, с соответствующим количеством академических баллов, мне надо заплатить в 5 раз больше, чем, если бы я записалась на тот же самый курс, без права на академические баллы. Это же просто абсурд! Нажива на всём!
June 12, 2010
The pronunciation class
Today I had a privilege to visit my former teacher and his present class. In normal case I am so busy that I don’t have time for any activities, but today I got a window and didn’t hesitate for a minute.
I was surprise how quick I forgot everything that I learned, and I was more surprised that I needed just two hours to revive my memories. I try to do my best but I progress exceedingly slow. My teacher tries to encourage and says that I have improved in my pronunciation. I need to find my own still, something in between British English and American English. When I listen myself on a tape recorder it hearts stomach, that is how unnatural my voice sounds. Sometimes I can’t even recognize myself; I think I have too high pitch in my voice and luck of softness. . I always envied those women who have a soft, thrilling, mysterious, and unforgettable voice; apparently I don’t have this trait.
I was surprise how quick I forgot everything that I learned, and I was more surprised that I needed just two hours to revive my memories. I try to do my best but I progress exceedingly slow. My teacher tries to encourage and says that I have improved in my pronunciation. I need to find my own still, something in between British English and American English. When I listen myself on a tape recorder it hearts stomach, that is how unnatural my voice sounds. Sometimes I can’t even recognize myself; I think I have too high pitch in my voice and luck of softness. . I always envied those women who have a soft, thrilling, mysterious, and unforgettable voice; apparently I don’t have this trait.
My class
June 10, 2010
Jane Austen
Jane Austen is one of the greatest writers of English novels. She is renowned for her unique ability to use comprehensive and refined English with ease and in a playful way. All her books are saturated by a sharp wit and profound wisdom.
Austen is recognized even now as prominent leader among novel writers when it comes to describing characters and personal traits. It is universally acknowledged even 300 years later that nobody can use British English better than she did. All her master-piece novels are unsurpassed treasuries of the world literature.
Jane Austen was born in 1775 in rural Hampshire, the daughter of an affluent village rector, who encouraged her in her artistic pursuits. She was the seventh child in her family, and from her childhood Jane showed an ability to express herself in particular manners. From a young age Jane entertained her family with stories and plays; by 23 (in 1798) she had written early versions of her first 3 novels “Sense and Sensibility,” “Pride and prejudice,” and “Northanger Abbey,” though they were published many years later.
Austen’s life was uneventful according to modern standards, but Jane had endless fantasies and curiosity. She never got marriage, though she was in love. In 1801 she moved to Bath with her parents, but in 1805 she returned to the village of Chawton after her father died.
Her perspicacity and discernment enabled her to create the unforgettable characters; the liveliness of her imagination helped her to analyze and understand the contemporary life of the middle-class in small towns in England.
In 1810 age 36 Austen started to work on what are considered to be her more serious, novels, such as “Emma,” ”Persuasion,” and “Mansfield Park.” At that time, Austen was one of the very few female authors who managed to publish the books during their life time, and also became famous and was able to live on her own income from the publishing.
Jane Austen died in 1817, when she was 41. Fragments of her uncompleted novel “The Watsons,” “Lady Susan,” and “Sanditon” were published uncompleted in 1925, 107 years after her death. “Becoming Jane” is a Hollywood movie based on her biography.
Austen is recognized even now as prominent leader among novel writers when it comes to describing characters and personal traits. It is universally acknowledged even 300 years later that nobody can use British English better than she did. All her master-piece novels are unsurpassed treasuries of the world literature.
Jane Austen was born in 1775 in rural Hampshire, the daughter of an affluent village rector, who encouraged her in her artistic pursuits. She was the seventh child in her family, and from her childhood Jane showed an ability to express herself in particular manners. From a young age Jane entertained her family with stories and plays; by 23 (in 1798) she had written early versions of her first 3 novels “Sense and Sensibility,” “Pride and prejudice,” and “Northanger Abbey,” though they were published many years later.
Austen’s life was uneventful according to modern standards, but Jane had endless fantasies and curiosity. She never got marriage, though she was in love. In 1801 she moved to Bath with her parents, but in 1805 she returned to the village of Chawton after her father died.
Bath is a city in the ceremonial county of Somerset in the south west of England.The city was first established as a spa resort with the Latin name, Aquae Sulis. The City of Bath was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1987. The city has a variety of theatres, museums, and other cultural and sporting venues, which have helped to make it a major centre for tourism, with over one million staying visitors and 3.8 million day visitors to the city each year.Jane's house in Chawton Her room.
Her perspicacity and discernment enabled her to create the unforgettable characters; the liveliness of her imagination helped her to analyze and understand the contemporary life of the middle-class in small towns in England.
In 1810 age 36 Austen started to work on what are considered to be her more serious, novels, such as “Emma,” ”Persuasion,” and “Mansfield Park.” At that time, Austen was one of the very few female authors who managed to publish the books during their life time, and also became famous and was able to live on her own income from the publishing.
Jane Austen died in 1817, when she was 41. Fragments of her uncompleted novel “The Watsons,” “Lady Susan,” and “Sanditon” were published uncompleted in 1925, 107 years after her death. “Becoming Jane” is a Hollywood movie based on her biography.
June 5, 2010
This would never happen in Sweden.
I knew all the time that my drivers license was going to expire on the May 28. I knew this a long time ago. I also know—I was there last year—that to renew one or get a new one is a very unpleasant experience. But I guess all bad experiences fade over with time.
Twice, I booked an appointment via the Florida Department of Highway Internet page, but I was unable to keep the appointment twice. All this time I was procrastinating and didn’t renew my drivers license until last week, when I faced the fact that I had four days left, and I planned to spend three of those in New York. Well, I couldn’t cancel my trip to the metropolitan city of the world, could I? And I needed my license to be able to attend school, thus I there was nothing I could do but to go to FLHSMV last Wednesday.
I had already been delayed by my morning meeting with my company, thus I arrived at the highway department around eleven o’clock, which that in itself condemned me to fail. The line was so long that people were standing outside along the whole plaza.
I took my place in the line and asked about the chances of getting into the building. In response to that, I got a sarcastic answer that some people there had been in line since 7.30 and they were still outside. My chances and my hopes of renewing my drivers license were fading with each hour I spent in line.
Sometimes, I was witness to bursting patience of poor people and their brave attempt to enter the “holy” building, but they were turned back by a strict security guard or by the threat of being subject to police interference. At least we were condescendingly informed, after two hours of waiting, that the folks inside were those who had made an appointment and our issues were going to be handled after all those people.
So around three o’clock, severe personnel had a mercy on us, and after double checking all required documents, which I had the whole bunch in my hands, six people and I (from the whole line) were allowed to enter.
I could continue with three pages more about the anxiety and apprehension that I experience during my hours of waiting inside the office, but I don’t want to intimidate you in case you need to go there one day. I just want to finish my story about my bad experience with the FLHSMV service with some advice to you guys: Do not procrastinate when getting your drivers license, and get an appointment in advance; thus you can skip all troubles and hassles that I had with it.
P.S: At six o’clock, completely exhausted and tired, I prevailed upon stolid faces of FLHSMV personal and their tiresome procedures and got my license renewed.
Twice, I booked an appointment via the Florida Department of Highway Internet page, but I was unable to keep the appointment twice. All this time I was procrastinating and didn’t renew my drivers license until last week, when I faced the fact that I had four days left, and I planned to spend three of those in New York. Well, I couldn’t cancel my trip to the metropolitan city of the world, could I? And I needed my license to be able to attend school, thus I there was nothing I could do but to go to FLHSMV last Wednesday.
I had already been delayed by my morning meeting with my company, thus I arrived at the highway department around eleven o’clock, which that in itself condemned me to fail. The line was so long that people were standing outside along the whole plaza.
I took my place in the line and asked about the chances of getting into the building. In response to that, I got a sarcastic answer that some people there had been in line since 7.30 and they were still outside. My chances and my hopes of renewing my drivers license were fading with each hour I spent in line.
Sometimes, I was witness to bursting patience of poor people and their brave attempt to enter the “holy” building, but they were turned back by a strict security guard or by the threat of being subject to police interference. At least we were condescendingly informed, after two hours of waiting, that the folks inside were those who had made an appointment and our issues were going to be handled after all those people.
So around three o’clock, severe personnel had a mercy on us, and after double checking all required documents, which I had the whole bunch in my hands, six people and I (from the whole line) were allowed to enter.
I could continue with three pages more about the anxiety and apprehension that I experience during my hours of waiting inside the office, but I don’t want to intimidate you in case you need to go there one day. I just want to finish my story about my bad experience with the FLHSMV service with some advice to you guys: Do not procrastinate when getting your drivers license, and get an appointment in advance; thus you can skip all troubles and hassles that I had with it.
P.S: At six o’clock, completely exhausted and tired, I prevailed upon stolid faces of FLHSMV personal and their tiresome procedures and got my license renewed.
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