Внутренний интерьёр.
A cosmopolitan's short narratives.
“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.
September 25, 2010
«Бифштекс 954»
Прошлый четверг, компания моего мужа, пригласила своих работников в местный ресторан, под названием «954». Нас было девять человек. Было очень вкусно и дорого. Мы прекрасно провели вечер, было очень весело. Всегда приятно проводить время в кругу интеллигентных людей. Интерьёр ресторана был очень красивый с необычным стилем. Самое большое внимание привлёк громадный аквариум с медузами. Очень оригинально, расслабляющее и оригинально.
September 23, 2010
Ft Lauderdale night
This night I was upset by my bad habit to not read manuals and instructions to my new computer or technical staff (and I am a Civil Engineer!!!). I got a new camera and I haven’t given tribune to the all the opportunities it offers. I am still taking all pictures on AUTO when the camera is packed with the latest gadgets and features. So I dedicated a couple of night hours to learn them and the result was fantastic. Judge by yourselves.
September 21, 2010
The sad evening.
The sad evening. This evening was unpredictable and surreal. I still feel weird and awful. I was supposed to meet my girlfriend at 9pm in the center and have a glass of wine. When I came, she was not there and I called her up to ask about the delay. When she replayed, I couldn’t recognize her voice; it was like somebody talking from tomb, she just whispered that her husband just had died.
I couldn’t move myself, I felt sick and vomiting. This is the third time for the past 1, 5 year she tells me about the death. The firth was her brother, then her mother and now is the husband.
I feel sad. I am preoccupied by thoughts that you can die in the instance and the World doesn’t even notice your death, it continues its space as nothing has happened.
This evening, all four of us prayed for Richard. We remember him as sharp, intelligence, kind, British, and the man of principles. He is in the Gods hands now. Lord be with him.
I couldn’t move myself, I felt sick and vomiting. This is the third time for the past 1, 5 year she tells me about the death. The firth was her brother, then her mother and now is the husband.
I feel sad. I am preoccupied by thoughts that you can die in the instance and the World doesn’t even notice your death, it continues its space as nothing has happened.
This evening, all four of us prayed for Richard. We remember him as sharp, intelligence, kind, British, and the man of principles. He is in the Gods hands now. Lord be with him.
September 20, 2010
“An idle brain is the devil’s workshop”
Monday, I continue my job haunting. Today I had two job interviews. One went well; the second, I can’t tell, the guy was too stressed. I still can’t get use to a traditional question,” Do you have a criminal record?” during the interviews. Sometimes I chuckle, but you shouldn’t joke about it here. Apparently, there are plenty of people with criminal backgrounds who are looking for jobs too.
I do feel better; I even jogged yesterday, although just 30 min, but it is better than nothing. Tonight I am going to have a Yoga class. It will be challenging, since I haven’t been attending it for 2 months.
A good friend of mine became sick, she has an ulcer. I am worried about her; she is one of those people who has a big heart and a lot of wisdom. The next time when I am in church, I shall pray for her as well.
Ok, here is my today’s shortcoming: I woke at 5 AM to visit one place, you know, and then I couldn’t sleep; my thoughts about a job and other things preoccupied my mind. I turned on the TV, just (as I thought) for a couple of minutes and ended up watching a horrible program based on true story about a house haunted by evil, poltergeist, and negative entity phenomenon. The story was horrible, with all scenes with a devil, black entities and so on. After that I definitely couldn’t sleep. This supports the famous American proverb, “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.”
I do feel better; I even jogged yesterday, although just 30 min, but it is better than nothing. Tonight I am going to have a Yoga class. It will be challenging, since I haven’t been attending it for 2 months.
A good friend of mine became sick, she has an ulcer. I am worried about her; she is one of those people who has a big heart and a lot of wisdom. The next time when I am in church, I shall pray for her as well.
Ok, here is my today’s shortcoming: I woke at 5 AM to visit one place, you know, and then I couldn’t sleep; my thoughts about a job and other things preoccupied my mind. I turned on the TV, just (as I thought) for a couple of minutes and ended up watching a horrible program based on true story about a house haunted by evil, poltergeist, and negative entity phenomenon. The story was horrible, with all scenes with a devil, black entities and so on. After that I definitely couldn’t sleep. This supports the famous American proverb, “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.”
September 15, 2010
The third day of me being confined
Today it is the third day of me being confined to the apartment. I still haven’t been outside. It is a strange feeling, like it is a completely unknown world outside my windows and I am not part of it. I am staring through the glass on the palms and water, but my thoughts are still in the raining Sweden.
I haven’t contact my local girl friends yet, I just patiently fighting with my cold and methodically going through my emails. Although my illness, I did have a couple of interview on the phone, and on this Friday I am going to Miami to meet one recruiter. I have to find a job, which hopefully brings a piece of tranquility in my mind; I desperately need it.
This evening I am planning to take a short walk and will go through all my pictures which I took in Sweden during my last visit. The reviewing of pictures always brings up memories which give the inspiration to write.
O, I almost forgot, today I slept until 9:30, not so kind of me, but don’t judge me so harsh for that. I still have a bad conscience that is why I mention it.
I haven’t contact my local girl friends yet, I just patiently fighting with my cold and methodically going through my emails. Although my illness, I did have a couple of interview on the phone, and on this Friday I am going to Miami to meet one recruiter. I have to find a job, which hopefully brings a piece of tranquility in my mind; I desperately need it.
This evening I am planning to take a short walk and will go through all my pictures which I took in Sweden during my last visit. The reviewing of pictures always brings up memories which give the inspiration to write.
O, I almost forgot, today I slept until 9:30, not so kind of me, but don’t judge me so harsh for that. I still have a bad conscience that is why I mention it.
September 13, 2010
I came back from Sweden
I came back from Sweden (I finished my business assignment for my previous company) yesterday evening. I will remember this flight as a “cold” one. I never in my life before was surrounded by so many coughing people. A guy in front of me violently pushed back his seat that I almost heard the cracking of the chair and could see every straw of his oily hair. He had a persistent cough, which he never tried to execute on discreet way, and with every round of his cough I felt it in my face. In addition he did fart as well… disgusting. The couple behind me had cold as well and I got a little here and there from my neighbor on the right side. The whole plane was coughing and it was so cold inside (even though I was warm clad and had a blanket) that I shivered during 9,5 hours. When I landed in Atlanta, I got such a high fever that I couldn’t see the number of my next flight on the monitors; I couldn’t eat and everything was foggy.
Fort Lauderdale met me with its hot air, but I kept my clothes due to the rising fever. When I got home, I went to bed at 8 o’clock; after all I haven’t been sleeping 24 hours, and wake up this morning from the high heels shoes noise of my neighbor above at 9 o’clock.
Status: fiver- high, nose – stuffy and runny, throat- sore. A number of emails in my “searching for new job” in-box is 67 and eight missed calls from the different job agency. I need to go through all this mess as soon as possible; Americans don’t like to wait.
And here I am, sick and unemployed, giving a try to the next round of settling my life here.
Fort Lauderdale met me with its hot air, but I kept my clothes due to the rising fever. When I got home, I went to bed at 8 o’clock; after all I haven’t been sleeping 24 hours, and wake up this morning from the high heels shoes noise of my neighbor above at 9 o’clock.
Status: fiver- high, nose – stuffy and runny, throat- sore. A number of emails in my “searching for new job” in-box is 67 and eight missed calls from the different job agency. I need to go through all this mess as soon as possible; Americans don’t like to wait.
And here I am, sick and unemployed, giving a try to the next round of settling my life here.
September 5, 2010
Грибной урожай.
Выходные прошли прекрасно. Моя подружка, из Мальмо, приехала ко мне в гости, и мы пошли собирать грибы. Несмотря на то, что уже начала Сентября, погода держится очень хорошая, и мы решили наладиться последними солнечным деньками Шведской осени. Самая прелесть заключается в том, что нам было достаточно только выйти из территории дома, как мы уже оказались в лесу. Моё познание в грибах достаточно ограниченное, последний раз я собирала грибы лет 10 назад и то под строгим присмотром знатоков грибного искусства. Самые простые грибы, это подберёзовики, белые грибы и маслята.
Во время нашей прогулки, в последнем «пристанище» чистокровных шведов, наши дети привлекли внимание проходящих людей своими криками, вызванными местными комарами, муравьями и пауками. Пробираясь через заросли кустарников, в поисках грибов, мы просто очутились в паутинном царстве пауков, которые готовиться к осени и вьют свои сети, что бы погреться в последних лучах осеннего солнца. Света и я молча пробирались через все преграды, не придавая значения муравейникам, паукам и укусам комаров, тогда как наши дети (результат городского воспитания) трепетали от страха и отмахивались направо и налево от всех насекомых, которых они прозвали страшилищами. Сначала нам было забавно, но потом, убедившись, что их страх был неподдельный, нам стало тревожно за нашим «городских» ребят, познание мира насекомых которых, ограничивается компьютерными играми и экранами телевизоров. Под конец, мы послали двух богатырей насобирать черники, и после оглушительных криков и часового похождения, наши детки, с гордостью, принесли нас две жменьки ягод.
За это время мы насобирали полный бумажный пакет грибов и довольные нашим урожаем, уселись на кухне, чисть грибы. Конечно же, мы дважды прошли через содержимое, прокипятили грибочки 45 минут с луковицей, которая не почернела, и только тогда убедились, что они съедобные. Пока Света чистила грибы, я зажгла гриль для мяса, сделала соус и занялась картошкой. Я не помню, уже, когда последний раз я ела такой вкусный обед.
Во время нашей прогулки, в последнем «пристанище» чистокровных шведов, наши дети привлекли внимание проходящих людей своими криками, вызванными местными комарами, муравьями и пауками. Пробираясь через заросли кустарников, в поисках грибов, мы просто очутились в паутинном царстве пауков, которые готовиться к осени и вьют свои сети, что бы погреться в последних лучах осеннего солнца. Света и я молча пробирались через все преграды, не придавая значения муравейникам, паукам и укусам комаров, тогда как наши дети (результат городского воспитания) трепетали от страха и отмахивались направо и налево от всех насекомых, которых они прозвали страшилищами. Сначала нам было забавно, но потом, убедившись, что их страх был неподдельный, нам стало тревожно за нашим «городских» ребят, познание мира насекомых которых, ограничивается компьютерными играми и экранами телевизоров. Под конец, мы послали двух богатырей насобирать черники, и после оглушительных криков и часового похождения, наши детки, с гордостью, принесли нас две жменьки ягод.
За это время мы насобирали полный бумажный пакет грибов и довольные нашим урожаем, уселись на кухне, чисть грибы. Конечно же, мы дважды прошли через содержимое, прокипятили грибочки 45 минут с луковицей, которая не почернела, и только тогда убедились, что они съедобные. Пока Света чистила грибы, я зажгла гриль для мяса, сделала соус и занялась картошкой. Я не помню, уже, когда последний раз я ела такой вкусный обед.
September 3, 2010
Scandinavian beauty
Sweden met me with a stillness and cold Scandinavian beauty. I took a train from Denmark to Sweden and after 20 minutes I was already on Swedish soil. Everything felt different, distant and at the same time so well know. I was looking in the train window at piercing cold water and saw just water, water and water. I thought that it was so remarkable that I lived close by the sea in Sweden and now in Florida too; and yet I haven’t harbored any special feelings or excitement about it. I prefer the forest, a big, old, and dark forest with the greenwood. I love to ramble endlessly through the giant and ancient woodland. I desire to experience the power of every tree, I imagine the stories about it and I am always wondering what it has seen through the all its years of life.
I tied to analyze that strange feeling that saturated my soul every time I crosses Swedish border. I think now I know. It must be what a feeling of stability and certainty. It is like you come back to Sweden after 10 years of being abroad and everything will be the same, nothing will change. It brings you a special feeling of having a second chance in your life. Life stays still here, nothing is happing, everything is fogged in a cold stillness of tranquility.
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