A cosmopolitan's short narratives.

“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.

March 28, 2010

To the Bahamas!

Tonight we had a dinner with our friends who had guests from the Bahamas. The Bahamas family is originally from Germany but they spend half of their time on the islands.

When I got the chance to know them a little bit better I have found that these folks are also really nice people with pleasant social skills especially from her side. We were 8 around the table and our company created wonderful atmosphere by mixing 7 different cultures and nationalities.

We grilled Brazilian meet and had three different salads. The wine was delicious too, though for me it was just water, because I needed to prepare my homework before the next day college.

We talk about different things and a lot around the Bahamas and its culture. I was always curious about this country and I had never the opportunity to talk to people from there. The couple has a big passion to dance Salsa and work in their big organic garden in Bahamas.

We have been invited to Bahamas! I have never been there and I am looking forward to explore this gorgeous archipelago which consists of 29 islands, 661 cays (a cay is a small, low-elevation, sandy island formed on the surface of coral reefs) and 2,387 rocks. To the Bahamas then!

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