A cosmopolitan's short narratives.

“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.

October 17, 2010

Miami trip

Today I gave myself the second try to experience the pleasure of the going on a boat. The first one didn’t go so well because the boat got broken in the middle of channel and we were floating for a couple of hours. I didn’t pay so much attention to this little incident and gladly accept the invitation of my Miami friends to explore the local marina.

The weather was perfect: not too hot and the ocean breeze was adding the refreshment. The most popular entertainment is the gliding around different islands, enjoying the view and of cause, admiring of the enormous houses of the famous people. “Star Island” is the nest of many Hollywood stars and billionaires. Local entrepreneurs even offer different boat guide tours where you can get a gleam of the glamour life of American celebrities.

I got a picture of the house of the Cuban American singer, songwriter and actress Gloria Estefan.

This is the largest house on the "Star Island" (as I got known) of the pharmaceutical billionaire Phillip Frost, it has even a huge tennis court. How do you like it?

The Miami view from the water is stunning. The bright sun makes all the pictures blurred, but can’t conceal the breathtaking perspect.  

This is a Miami’s James L. Knight International Center where we saw a CIRCO DE LOS HORRORES yesterday.

After one hour drive through the Miami's water canals we moored to the local cozy restaurant Casablanca (400 NW North River Dr Miami) and indulged ourselves with a delish and praiseworthy lunch.

The day seemed to be too perfect to be true. Everything was great and on our way back I was recollecting the beautiful moments when I heard the scream that our boat was sinking. I could believe what I just heard!

You can imagine the panic and the chaos! Luckily, just in the last couple of seconds before the boat had started scooping water we jumped out from it in safety. We also managed to rescue the boat and identify the leak.

Driving home from Miami I was pondering the obvious fact that I have no luck with boats.

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