A cosmopolitan's short narratives.

“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.

November 3, 2009

Wilson stole the show.

Every year, during the last 50 years, Fort Lauderdale has been hosting one of the biggest boats shows in the US.

This year the weather is extremely hot for this time of the year and outside is still 35 C. For me, who can’t endure the sun in a large extent, it is painful to go around, because it would take hours and hours to introduce yourself with everything that offers the show; at the same time you do not want to miss anything.

With consideration that people are coming to Fort Lauderdale from different countries just for this show and I, who have the opportunity just to drop by, haven’t done this yet, I have determined to visit the show, regardless all obstacles. I can tell you, there are plenty of those, like a burning sun (already mentioned), impossibility to find any parking place in the surround areas; all high prices on water, food, etc & etc & etc.
My first attempt to visit the show was with a friend of mine and a dog (that day she was taking care of the dog, which belongs to her landlord) has failed. We came all the way by foot and the security did not let us in because of the dog.

Any way it was a remarkable experience. The dog, named Wilson, is of breed Giant Schnauzer and it is he-dog. Although Wilson just one year old, he has impressive size and really charming. So, all the people were stopping and talking with us about the dog, asking about the breed and age, offering their water and everything else. I was choked by the situation, because in normal cases nobody tries to talk to you, out of the blue on the street, even in the US. People of different age range: from youngsters to old couples, all were friendly and curios. To be honest, I never expected such an attention, I never had a dog.

I shared my experience with G, he exploded with laughter and told me that it is an old-well-known pick up attention trick. Usually girls or boys, who are striving to draw attention from an opposite sex, are practicing in this.

Anyway, Wilson was a beauty but I was tired. He demanded so much solicitude and care as if he was a human child.

No dogs for me.

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