A cosmopolitan's short narratives.

“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.

October 8, 2010

My car got broken ..

My car got broken yesterday evening, exactly an hour before me driving to college. It was almost a disaster because in the US a man can’t do much without a car. I left my car where it was (in the parking garage) and kindly asked my husband to borrow his to the college, which he did. So, today I am completely stranded, I couldn’t even go to my Pilates or Yoga. The BMW service guy came around 10 o’clock (it took three hours on the phone to find a right person through the insurance) and he towed my car. He has also mentioned that all the tires should be changed. They always find something extra!!! I hope it will be fixed by Monday.
Tomorrow Victoria (my lovely Russian friend) and I are going to participate in “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk”, thus I have to get up early. I am looking forward it!! All updatings about it are tomorrow.
Today’s dinner

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