A cosmopolitan's short narratives.

“Welcome to the kingdom of my imagination. Welcome to the world of the unpredictable reality. I live in Florida (sometimes in Sweden). My country of birth doesn’t exist anymore (SSSR). I am writing in English and Russian about my day-to-day life and the experience of living in different countries, observation of people’s life, traveling and fashion. Welcome,” jelena717@gmail.com.

May 27, 2013

We rented a car. May, 26

We rented a car, and it took us three hours to drive from the airport to the hotel ”Wayaland” in Chechen Itza. The road was safe. In the afternoon I jumped into a swimming pool and was playing in the water with the different flowers which were blown into the area from the tropical trees.
There is a very special air here: magical, clear, and full of energy. That probably explains why I slept like a log my first night. Honestly, I do not remember the last time I slept so deeply. Our tour guide told us that Chechen Itza is located on some kind of magnetic field. That is probably why the air feels very special here. The less positive thing is when it rains here you must take shelter because  lightning is deadly in this area. Many deadly accidents have occurred since the magnetic field makes the lightning even stronger. Interesting.

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